What activities can I track using Hubble Skill?

We always strive to make Hubble Connected for Motorola app more versatile and easier. With the Hubble Skill, you can now control and track more with your voice. 

Below are the options that you can use with Hubble Skill:

Obtenir la température de l'appareil (only for models that have thermometer)
Activer / désactiver la détection de mouvement;
Activer / désactiver l'enregistrement de mouvement (only for customers that are either on a free trial or subscribed to one of our membership plans);
Play / Stop berceuse (uniquement sur les modèles pris en charge);
Résumé quotidien (uniquement pour les clients qui ont des plans d'abonnement Essentials ou Select);
Allumer / éteindre le projecteur (pour la caméra Halo uniquement);
Activer / désactiver la lumière nocturne (pour la caméra Halo uniquement);
Changer la couleur de la veilleuse (pour la caméra Halo uniquement).

Please note that for Hubble Skill the invocation name ‘Hubble’ is mandatory. After saying “Alexa”, you devez use the invocation name “Hubble” before the command. For example, “Alexa, ask Hubble d'activer la détection de mouvement"


  • The name of the device is not required in the command if the account has only one device.
  • Hubble Alexa skill works better when the device has a name. For example, like hall, living, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, laundry room, Jane’s room, etc.
Mis à jour le mai 27, 2022

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